CSYS>Enter ID and codeword. Cognitohazard engaged.
C>(U:C; *****)
CSYS>ID and codeword accepted. Cognitohazard disarmed.
C>Func:Comms>SendMsg(Text; U:FELLOW04)
CSYS>Begin relaying message.
C here.
The shipment of weapons you'll need on your work is here. There's a file with the coordinates. Use the CS6 decoder for them, not less.
I don't care who you have to off with these guns, just make sure you get the job done.
Here's some visuals for you to get an idea of what you're working with.
The images are outdated, but that shouldn't be a bad thing. I left a couple extra things in the crates.
Shipment updated tracking: It's right here.
If you somehow forget how to work a gun you know where to find me. Just don't expect me to be pleased with incompetence.
I have my own plans going. Something big is eventually going to hit. Don't know what, don't know when. Just better hope you're armed to the teeth when it happens.
Now get to work.
C out.
CSYS>Message sent successfully.
CSYS>Kill gate activated at gateway #520.
CSYS>Cognitohazard rearming...
CSYS>Cognitohazard rearmed.
CSYS>System shutting down...